The Life Cycle of a Tree


  • Divine Matey General Manager, Department of Administration, Accra City Hotel, Ghana


Deciduous, Defoliation, Evergreen


The importance of the tree life cycle is often overlooked by society. One important aspect is the environmental benefits conifers and deciduous trees have to offer. For example, the shade and shelter that a tree provides is home to many different types of wildlife. A tree is also a prominent source of oxygen. People don't always acknowledge the fact that breathing air is using oxygen. Trees act as a filter; they take in carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into oxygen and carbon. The carbon is then used in order to make a food supply for the tree. During this process, conifers and deciduous trees produce enough oxygen in a year to sustain a family of four. Lastly, wood is a renewable resource and it supplies us with many different products. With the information that the essay has related to the tree and its beneficial life cycle, society should consider increasing the knowledge and conservation of trees in order to provide a better environment for the future. Now that you have been informed about the life cycle of a tree, maybe next time you see a tree or a sapling, you will think back about how it all began from a seed and how much that tree benefits us and the environment. In order to identify a tree, it's important to have knowledge of the different leaves each tree has. The life cycle of a tree is what the essay is based around. A tree's life begins with fertilization. Reproductive cells from two parent trees join to form a new seed. Typically, a seed consists of three main parts: the outer seed coat, which protects the seed; the endosperm, which is a food storage for the seed; and the embryo, which will become a new plant. Soon the seed germinates and the embryo grows into a seedling. In order for the seedling to flourish, it needs ample amounts of light and nutrients. The seedling will eventually turn into a sapling and a young tree. Time is needed in order for a mature tree to form. Usually, when a tree is fully matured, it will bear seeds and the cycle begins again. Every species of tree has a predetermined time span which is genetically programmed. This time span is the maximum age a tree can live under ideal conditions. A tree is defined as a perennial woody plant with roots, having a single stem or trunk unbranched for some distance above the ground, and a head of branches and/or foliage. There are around 2,600 different types of trees. They can be divided into two categories: coniferous and deciduous. A coniferous tree has seed-bearing cones and needle-like leaves. Conifers are also known as softwoods. Examples of conifers are pine, fir, and cedar trees. A deciduous tree has fruit and/or seed-bearing flowers and its seed is enclosed. Deciduous trees lose their leaves at the end of the growing season. Trees play an important role in our ecosystem by providing wildlife habitats, oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, and most importantly, by providing us with paper and other wood-based products. Though trees have always been important to us, how much do we really know about them, especially their life cycle? This essay will cover the topics of what a tree is, the types of trees, the life cycle of a tree, and the importance of the tree life cycle.


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How to Cite

D. Matey, “The Life Cycle of a Tree”, IJRESM, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1–7, Jun. 2024, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available:

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