Reducing Painting Defects on Mining Vehicle Vessel at PT XYZ Through PDCA Method and Phenomenology Method
Waste of defect, is waste that occurs due to poor quality or product damage, poor painting quality can also be used as a reason for consumers not to buy and choose a product based on the above, we will make a Scientific Paper with the title “Reducing Painting defects in mining vehicle vessels at PT XYZ”. The research method used is a mixed method, which combines quantitative and qualitative research, quantitative research with the PDCA Approach (Plan, Do, Check, Act), qualitative research with the phenomenology method, researchers collect data related to this research, among others, are painting process production data and data on the results of checking in the QC painting section. From these data, sagging is the most common defect in the painting process of mining vehicle vessels at PT XYZ for the period June 2024 - October 2024. To find the main cause of defects, then displayed through a fishbone diagram, based on these causes, the researcher plans to take corrective actions in the PT XYZ painting vessel production process area. The result of the improvements made is the reduction of sagging defects in the painting vessel process from an average of 6 sagging defect points to 0 sagging defect points.
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhamad Pedro, Iqmal Syawaludin, Eza Andriyanto, Bulbul Danil, Syaiful Umam, Yudi Prastyo

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