Analysis of Internet Quality on Fiber Optical Networks in Kampung Kali Ulu Using the Quality of Service Method


  • Lia Amalia Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pelita Bangsa University, Indonesia
  • Agung Prayitno Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pelita Bangsa University, Indonesia
  • Akbar Fauzi Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pelita Bangsa University, Indonesia
  • Yudi Prastyo Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pelita Bangsa University, Indonesia


Quality of Service (QoS), Bandwidth, Delay, Throughput, Packet Loss


Kali Ulu Village has a LAN internet network service that uses fiber optic cables as a connecting medium between computer networks. Quality of service (QoS) is a way of measuring how good or bad a network service is. The parameters (QoS) are delay, throughput, packet loss and bandwidth according to THIPON standards. In residents' houses 1 - 4 in Kali Ulu Village, the available bandwidth is 100 Mbps and the capacity per house is 10 Mbps. Therefore, measurements are really needed to see how good the service quality is in Kali Ulu village between houses using the Axence Nettol application to find out the results of delay, throughput, packet loss values and accessing http://www.speedtest. net/ to measure bandwidth. The results of the measurements (QoS) on the fiber optic network in Kali Ulu village, can first be seen from the results of the bandwidth measurements, the average download speed is "102.31Mbps" and the average upload speed is "101.23 Mbps", the average value delay is “146ms” which means included very good category because < 150 ms, the average packet loss value is "0%" which is included in the Very Good category because <3% and the average throughput value is "2.0 Mbps" which means it is included in the Very Good category because > 1.2 Mbps.


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How to Cite

L. Amalia, A. Prayitno, A. Fauzi, and Y. Prastyo, “Analysis of Internet Quality on Fiber Optical Networks in Kampung Kali Ulu Using the Quality of Service Method”, IJRESM, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 251–256, Jan. 2024, Accessed: Feb. 13, 2025. [Online]. Available: