The Effect of Attractions, Facilities, and Prices on Customer Satisfaction at The Written Batik Celaket Center, Malang City


  • Rio Rizky Priambudi Diploma Program in Tourism, Merdeka University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Estikowati Diploma Program in Tourism, Merdeka University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Stella Alvianna Diploma Program in Tourism, Merdeka University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Dewi Hermin Diploma Program in Tourism, Merdeka University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Aprillia Rachmadian Diploma Program in Tourism, Merdeka University, Malang, Indonesia


Attractions, Facilities, Prices, Customer satisfaction


The Malang City as a tourist city also stores abundant natural and cultural wealth, written batik is one of its assets, the celaket written batik center has produced batik products with motifs of lions, flowers, and tendrils which are the hallmarks of the handwritten batik of Malang City. This study aims to determine the effect of attractions, facilities and prices on customer satisfaction at the Batik Tulis Celaket Center in Malang City, with data collection techniques using purposive sampling distributed via google form to 190 respondents who are also customers at the Celaket Batik Tulis Center Malang City. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results of the study showed that facilities, and prices had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, while attractions did not have a significant effect. Attractions, facilities, and prices also have a joint influence on customer satisfaction at the Celaket Batik Center, Malang City. It is known that the price is more dominant in influencing customer satisfaction at the Batik Tulis Celaket Center in Malang City, hereby illustrates that the customers who visit the Batik Tulis Celaket Center in Malang City are satisfied with the prices offered by the Batik Tulis Celaket Center in Malang City.


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How to Cite

R. R. Priambudi, Estikowati, S. Alvianna, D. Hermin, and A. Rachmadian, “The Effect of Attractions, Facilities, and Prices on Customer Satisfaction at The Written Batik Celaket Center, Malang City”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 91–97, Jan. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: