Use of Transposition Cipher and its Types


  • Kuriakkottu Amalraj Rajan Student, Department of Information Technology, Keralya Samajam Regd. Model College, Kalyan, India


transposition, ciphers, algorithm


Transposition cipher is one of the types of algorithms present in cryptography, wherein the plaintext is changed to a ciphertext just like any other algorithms present cryptography but only with the catch that the encryption is created in combination of permutation of letters or numbers present in the text. Transposition cipher is more like a type or method of encryption algorithm wherein the positions acquired by text such as a character or a group of character is shifted using a regular system wherein the ciphertext would contain the permutation of the plain text which got encrypted. Basically, here a bijective function is applied on the plain text to encrypt it and then inverse function is used to decrypt the same. So, this research explores this concept called transposition cipher and its various types. Methodology: The research for this paper was done and reviewed on google scholar, Microsoft academic research. The data collected for this paper has been checked for its integrity and staying true to the content present in the research as well as that present in the worldwide web. The data has been analyzed in such a way that it represents how the transposition cipher is used and why in cryptography. Findings: It could be seen that most of the algorithms present in the cryptography uses algorithms. These algorithms are basically used for encryption and decryption. Wherein these algorithms as we say are technically known as ciphers and there are different ciphers present in the web more precisely in the market for using and developing it. And one such is transposition cipher this research paper showcases the uses of the same. Conclusion: Hence this research is conducted to produce a report wherein we explore the ciphers called transposition cipher and how they are implemented in algorithms present in the cryptography. And their different types present in it.


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How to Cite

K. A. Rajan, “Use of Transposition Cipher and its Types”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 164–165, Dec. 2021, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: