Impact of Multimedia in Improving Quality Teaching Science for Grade-9 Students of MSU-Sulu Laboratory High School


  • Misba H. Sampang Assistant Professor 4, MSU-Sulu, MSU-Sulu Gate 2, Bangkal, Patikul, Sulu, Philippines


quasi-experiment design, multimedia, quality science teaching, quality science learning


The study used quasi-experimental research design to determine the effect of using multimedia on the performance of the grade-9 science students in MSU-Sulu. Two sections were utilized in the experiment. One section was treated with the teaching method using multimedia. The other section was taught without using multimedia. The teacher used the same topic to be taught in the two sections. The teacher gave pretest before teaching in both methods. After teaching the teacher gave posttest. Three research questions were formulated. The first is “What is multimedia?” This was answered by 57 students and 5 teachers using checklist questionnaire. The second research question is “What is the effect of multimedia in teaching science?” It was answered using survey questionnaire to get the opinion of teachers on the effect of multimedia in teaching science. The result of the survey was supported with the result of teaching in the quasi-experimentation. The mean grade of the students were computed and compared, the mean difference between the posttests score using multimedia and without using multimedia. T-test for independent sample was used to determine the significant difference between the posttests. The hypothesis “there is no significant difference between the posttest scores when the teacher was using multimedia and not using multimedia, was also tested. The third research question is “Is there significant difference in the effect of using multimedia when the data are grouped according to gender, socio-economic status and educational background of parents?” The question was answered using One Way ANNOVA and test the hypothesis. The study concluded that the students agree that teachers are using multimedia such as Microsoft Encarta and Microsoft excel. These multimedia were perceived by the teachers highly affect the academic performance of the students. The quasi experiment provide evidence to say that the use of multimedia highly affect the performance of the students in MSU-Sulu in grade-9 science to very satisfactory level compared to teaching without using multimedia only a satisfactory level. There is no significant difference between the perceptions on the effect of multimedia on the academic performance of the students in grade-9 science.


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How to Cite

M. H. Sampang, “Impact of Multimedia in Improving Quality Teaching Science for Grade-9 Students of MSU-Sulu Laboratory High School”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 56–59, Sep. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 06, 2025. [Online]. Available: