A Comparison On the Effectiveness of Low Friction Surface Training and Obstacle Course Training in Reducing Risk of Slip Related Falls in Elderly


  • Man Singh Dr. RD Poly Clinic and Physiotherapy Center
  • Preksha Sharma Department of Physiotherapy , Sanskriti University, Mathura, India


Balance, BBS (Berg Balance Scale), Timed –Up and Go Test (TUG), Obstacle training


Objective: To determine which training method is best among slip and obstacle (restricted) training to prevent falls in elderly. Method: The study was conducted on elderly population with H/O of falls in past years. The socio- demographic data and body mass index were obtained from a sample of 30 older adults, age of 65 years or above, including both genders divided into 2 groups for different treatment via randomization. All the participants completed the BBS and Time –Up and Go Test before and after both the intervention. Result: From the result of the present study it was concluded that both the training methods are beneficial in fall prevention and can be implemented clinically as well as in home set up for elderly individuals. Within the group comparisons revealed both these training methods are equally significant with respect to (BBS) Berg Balance Scale and (TUG) Timed Up and Go Test readings. Post intervention comparison between the groups revealed that low friction surface training group showed better improvement on timed up and go test when compared to BBS. Conclusion: It was concluded that both the treatment method are equally effective in reducing numbers of falls related to slip but surface training with low friction is found to be more competent in slip reduction strategy as compared with Timed up & Go.


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How to Cite

M. Singh and P. Sharma, “A Comparison On the Effectiveness of Low Friction Surface Training and Obstacle Course Training in Reducing Risk of Slip Related Falls in Elderly”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 7–11, Apr. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 07, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journal.ijresm.com/index.php/ijresm/article/view/621