Feasibility Study on Pedestrian Facilities at Central Bus Stop


  • Y. R. Akshay M.Tech. Student, School of Civil Engineering, REVA University, Bangalore, India
  • N. Bharath M.Tech. Student, School of Civil Engineering, REVA University, Bangalore, India


Accident data, Feasibility study, Questionnaire survey, Pedestrian facilities


Bangalore is rated to be one of the fastest growing cities in Asia with a current population of about 8.8 million and the life style of people and their commuting habits have undergone radical changes in case of an urban areas. This tremendous growth is making unsafely for vulnerable road users like pedestrians. In this study 200m stretch of road at Mantri mall, Bangalore is selected to analyse the pedestrian facilities by conducting surveys like pedestrian volume count, questionnaire survey, and accident data. The objective of the study is to obtain the maximum pedestrian volume count at selected stretch for analyzing and to give necessary recommendations. From the study it is concluding that pedestrian volume is high during working days and 72% of peoples from questionnaire survey are suggesting for the construction of underpass hence there is a serious need of pedestrian facilities such as underpass or pedestrian signal.


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How to Cite

Y. R. Akshay and N. Bharath, “Feasibility Study on Pedestrian Facilities at Central Bus Stop”, IJRESM, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 176–180, Jan. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journal.ijresm.com/index.php/ijresm/article/view/432