Delineating Favorable Hydrocarbon Zones in X-Field


  • Jigideanyi Ikeotuonye Joseph M.Sc. Petroleum Geology, Department of Geology, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Okengwu Kingsley Onyekwere Professor, Department of Geology, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Acra Edward Jones Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


hydrocarbon exploration, Niger delta basin, reservoir characterization, seismic data analysis, well log interpretation, porosity, permeability, reservoir zones, rollover anticlines, X-Field


This study evaluated the X-Field within the Niger Delta basin for its potential to hold hydrocarbons. A synergistic approach combining seismic data analysis and well log interpretation was employed to pinpoint favorable reservoir zones. Seismic sections identified rollover anticlines, ideal structures for trapping oil and gas. Well logs from five locations (NEM-10 to NEM-4) pinpointed four potential reservoirs (A, B, C, and F). Reservoirs A and B displayed encouraging characteristics, with A in Well NEM-10 exhibiting the most promise based on porosity and permeability. A closer look at these key reservoirs using core data from Well-7 confirmed the interpretations from well logs, revealing high permeability and good to high porosity. By integrating various data sources, the study strengthens the case for hydrocarbon exploration in the X Field. This approach identified potential traps, porous rock for storage, and promising reservoir properties, particularly in Reservoir A of Well NEM-10.


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How to Cite

J. I. Joseph, O. K. Onyekwere, and A. E. Jones, “Delineating Favorable Hydrocarbon Zones in X-Field”, IJRESM, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 238–243, Jun. 2024, Accessed: Jan. 17, 2025. [Online]. Available: