Smart Baby Cradle


  • Siddhi Kirtikumar Rasure Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering, Pune, India
  • Mrunal Vijay Shedage Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering, Pune, India
  • Manish Vitthal Bhoi Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering, Pune, India
  • Mansi Kanitkar Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering, Pune, India
  • Ramgopal Shahu Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering, Pune, India


smart baby cradle


The cradle is a device that is used to put babies to sleep. cradle has a side-to-side rocking motion that eases the baby and put it to sleep. it takes a lot of efforts from parent to physically rock the cradle to generate swinging motion. when baby is kept inside the cradle needs to be constantly monitoring parent to keep to track of the baby's activity. the proposed idea in this prototype of smart cradle will allow the cradle to efficiently integrate itself with a smartphone typically an android device. An Arduino microcontroller will be used to assemble all the sensors and hardware component required. constant monitoring of the baby inside the cradle will be done. if any activity such as urination or baby waking up from sleep occurs a notification through a Short Message Service (SMS) will be sent to the parent’s device. the smart cradle will also have additional features such as rocking the baby automatically via geared motor mechanism. also, with some additional features such as watching the baby live through Arduino camera.


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How to Cite

S. K. Rasure, M. V. Shedage, M. V. Bhoi, M. Kanitkar, and R. Shahu, “Smart Baby Cradle”, IJRESM, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 56–58, Nov. 2023, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: