Examine the Influence of Family Support and Counselling in Drug Recovery Rates


  • Susheela Singh Psychologist, Department of Psychology, Jio Jindagi Wellness Retreat Trust, New Delhi, India


Family support, Drug Recovery rates, Counselling


Drug addiction is a complicated and widespread problem that has a wide-ranging impact on people, families, and communities all over the world. There is a need to design efficient interventions and support systems for a better recovery outcome and a need to reassess the existing system. The present study aims to determine the role of therapy and family support in the rates of drug addiction recovery. The qualitative research methodology has been adopted, conducting a theoretical analysis of the primary and secondary resources of literature to investigate the resources available on the effects of counselling and family support on drug addiction recovery rates. The outcome has relevance for future research for the creation of a focused intervention strategy that amplifies the positive effects of therapeutic support from family ties on successful recovery outcomes.



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How to Cite

S. Singh, “Examine the Influence of Family Support and Counselling in Drug Recovery Rates”, IJRESM, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 80–82, Aug. 2023, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journal.ijresm.com/index.php/ijresm/article/view/2780