Agricultural Production and Profit Earned by Different Farmers of Pub-Paneri, Udalguri, Assam


  • Mousumi Bharali Research Scholar, Department of Education, Cotton University, Guwahati, India


Agriculture, Education, Profit, Income


Agriculture in India is the backbone of the country and hence regarded as the largest sector of the country’s economic activities. 70 percent people in India depend on agriculture which makes it very high. The contribution of agriculture in G.D.P. has declined from 18.5 percent in 2006-07 to16.5percent in 2010-11. At present agriculture provides livelihood to 60 percent of the country’s people (Singh et al., 2015). Agriculture also helps in the industrial development of our nation as it provides raw material for many food-based production industries. In India food security depends on the production of cereal crops, as well as increasing production of fruits, vegetables and milk to meet the demands of a growing population with rising incomes. For this productive, competitive, diversified and sustainable agricultural sector will need to emerge at an accelerated pace (India: Issues and Priorities for Agriculture, 2012). India is one of the world’s largest producers of milk, pulses, and spices and has the largest cattle herd as well as largest production of wheat, sugarcane, cotton, tea, fish etc. This study would be very helpful to see the land holding capacity of the farmers and different methods used by them, looking into the economic condition of those farmers. Variety of crops and income through its market selling price in the area including their margins of profitability. This study will give an analysis of the percentage of literate farmers. It aims to find out the different agricultural production by the main farmers of Pub Paneri. It is very helpful and highly important because first hand details gathered through it in a well-organized manner on a particular subject. This study would contribute to the statistics of agricultural productivity of Assam and thus of India. A comparative analysis would determine the risks, shortcomings and the advantages of the respective types of agricultural production. Along with these, the study would provide insights into the current trends and the future of agriculture and also help in analyzing the import-export data. Appropriate steps can be taken to educate the farmers (Ramsay).


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How to Cite

M. Bharali, “Agricultural Production and Profit Earned by Different Farmers of Pub-Paneri, Udalguri, Assam”, IJRESM, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 68–71, Aug. 2023, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: