Is the Philippines within the Doughnut?: Quantifying Doughnut Economics through Sustainability Window Method


  • Julia Francesca G. Castro Department of Business Economics, College of Commerce & Business Administration, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
  • Crio Edrick A. Evangelio Department of Business Economics, College of Commerce & Business Administration, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
  • Catherine Andrei G. Saguiguit Department of Business Economics, College of Commerce & Business Administration, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
  • Eric G. Pasquin Department of Business Economics, College of Commerce & Business Administration, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines


sustainability, doughnut economics, GDP, sustainable window analysis, planetary boundaries


Sustainability has been a political focus of a broad spectrum of groups during the last decades. Other sustainable development indicators have been used in recent research, like in the United Nations, where they established SDIs for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Shifting to the Doughnut Economics framework aligns with the dual goals of sustainable development, which include moving everyone beyond social foundations and lowering stress on the biophysical system within planetary boundaries. As a response to measuring one’s country’s sustainability, quantifying the doughnut through the Sustainability Window approach specifies the lowest level of economic development required to meet social sustainability standards and the most significant level of economic development that does not exceed the environmental sustainability limit. This approach in measuring sustainable development proves to be useful in developing countries like the Philippines.


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How to Cite

J. F. G. Castro, C. E. A. Evangelio, C. A. G. Saguiguit, and E. G. Pasquin, “Is the Philippines within the Doughnut?: Quantifying Doughnut Economics through Sustainability Window Method”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 194–206, Nov. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: