Assessment of Quality of Work Life in Hilti Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd.


  • Nirav Navinchandra Parek Research Scholar, Uka Tarsadia University, Surat, Gujarat, India
  • Krunal Patel In-charge Director, SRIMCA-MBA, Uka Tarsadia University, Gujarat, India


constitutionaliation, cross-tabulation, life space, QWL, secure base, work culture


The work culture changes drastically in the recent years, the traditional concept of work to fulfill humans’ basic needs are also facing out. The basic needs are continued to diversify and change according to the evolution of the work system and standards of living of a workforce. So, with this reference the research paper titled “Assessment of Quality of Work Life in Hilti Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd”. The objective of this research paper is to assess the quality of work life and to evaluate various factors of Quality of work life for improving QWL at HILTI. For assessment of quality of work life in Hilti, Researcher considered different ten factors i.e., Secure Base, Work Satisfaction, Supervisor Culture, Work Culture, Compensation, Growth, Safety, Purpose and values, Branding, Teamwork. Researcher have chosen descriptive research design. Primary data collected through questionnaire from 81 permanent workers of Hilti manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd. and secondary data collected from books, internet. Statistical tools used are frequency analysis, cross tabulation. From this study researcher found that all the factors of QWL in each unit and department of the company are nearer to the level of agree.


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How to Cite

N. N. Parek and K. Patel, “Assessment of Quality of Work Life in Hilti Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd”., IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 69–73, Nov. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: