Role of Instructional Media Development System: It's Impact on the Academic Performance of the College Students of Selected Schools in ARMM Region and Basis for the Development of Instructional Media Center


  • Mohammad Amil Kamlian Abdul Assistant Professor IV, Department of Arts and Science, Sulu State College, Jolo Sulu, Philippines


A Modest instructional media center, The Media technology facilities, The National council for the Social Studies, The 100 – Point scale or percentage System


This study aimed to determine the impact of the instructional media development system on the academic performance of the college students of selected schools in ARMM Region as basis for instructional media center. Specifically, this sought to answer five research questions. The first research question focused on the profile of the student-respondents in terms of age; gender; province; ethnicity; type of the high school graduated from; type of residence; occupation of parents; and college/university presently enrolled. The second research question dealt on the extent of instructional media development system as perceived by the student-respondents in terms of: instructional media as laboratory of learning; physical facilities and environment of instructional media and instructional media as part of school curriculum. The third research question concentrated on the academic performance of the college students of selected schools in ARMM Region in History subject. The fourth research question emphasized on the significant influence of the instructional media development system on the academic performance of the student-respondents of selected schools in ARMM Region. Finally, the last research question is on the significant difference in the instructional media development system as perceived by the student-respondents when the data is analyzed according to their profile. This study was guided by two null hypotheses tested at .05 levels of significance. The first hypothesis states that there is no significant influence of the instructional media development system on the academic performance of the student-respondents of selected schools in ARMM Region and the second hypothesis states that there is no significant difference in the instructional media development system as perceived by the student-respondents when the data is analyzed according to their profile. This study is essentially a descriptive-quantitative research design employing descriptive-survey method that aimed to determine the effect of the instructional media development system on the academic performance of the students in History subject. To obtain the needed data, the researcher employed the purposive random sampling method, using 50 students taking history subject in each college. The distribution of the sample was composed of 25 males and 25 females randomly chosen from the history classes. The samples of the study were the first-year college students who are taking history subject in the second semester of school year 2007 2008. 150 first year college students were included as the population sample in the three provinces. 50 from Basilan State College, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 50 students from Sulu State College, Jolo, Sulu and 50 students from MSU-TCTO, Tawi-Tawi Province. The survey-questionnaire was used as the main instrument for the research. The researcher, however, is aware that the questionnaire tool of the investigation had inherent limitations. The value of this type of Investigation largely depends on the sincerity, truthfulness, and objectivity of the respondents. It cannot be entirely free of bias; hence, interviews and observations were also utilized for verification. The survey questionnaire consisted of three parts. Part I of the questionnaire provides information on the students profile in terms of age, gender, province, ethnicity, residence, type of residence, type of school graduated, occupations of the parents and college/university presently enrolled. Part II gathered information on the extent of instructional media development system in terms of (a.) instructional media as learning laboratory; (b) physical facilities and environment of instructional media; (c) instructional media as part of school curriculum. The documentary analysis was also used to provide the data on the academic performance of the students in the History subject. Data were taken from the registrar office of the different schools. The statistical tools used in analyzing the data were encoding the frequencies in computer through Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and converting these frequencies to obtain the weighted arithmetic mean was utilized to assess and explore the extent of the instructional media development system in terms of instructional media as laboratory of learning, instructional media as instructional materials and instructional media as part of school curriculum as perceived by the student respondents. Mean and Standard Deviation was used to identify the academic performance of the college students of selected schools in ARMM Region in History subject. One-Way ANOVA was employed to determine the difference in the extent of the instructional media development system as perceived by the student-respondents when they are grouped according to their profile such as province, ethnicity, occupation of parents and college/university where they enrolled. T-Test Independent/uncorrelated was employed to determine the difference in the extent of the instructional media development system as perceived by the student-respondents when they are grouped according to their profile such as gender, age, type of residence and type of high school. Multiple Regression Analysis was used to identify the influence on the instructional media development system on the academic performance in History subject of the student-respondents. Cronbach Alpha was used to obtain the high reliability coefficient of the research instrument. Most of the student-respondents belong to the first category with ages ranging below to 20 years and some to the second category with the age ranging from 21 years old and above. Most of them are male and they belong to Tausug. They were living in and outside citio (Capital Town/city) of Isabela, Jolo and Bongao. The respondents are equally selected from the three provinces. Equal number of students selected from Sulu State College, Basilan State College, and Mindanao State University-Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography, and they graduated from Public High School whose parents are Government Employee. On the extent of the instructional media development system as perceived by the student-respondents indicates that instructional media as laboratory of learning is moderately extensive as perceived by the students respondent of the three provinces of ARMM region as well as on instructional media development system as part of school curriculum. However, in terms of physical facilities and environment of instructional media development system as assessed by the respondents manifested a great extent of its uses. The standard deviation of the grades in History subject of the freshmen students in college or university of the three provinces shows that the level of achievements are approximately homogeneous, the achievement are closed to each other. The level of achievements in History of the college and university freshmen students in the three provinces is satisfactory. The instructional media development system does not influence on the academic performance of the college students in History subject. It is pointed out base from the results that the regression revealed none of the three (3) identified variables of instructional media development system influence the academic performance of the college students in history subject. Significant differences do not exist in the instructional media development system as perceived by the respondents when analyzed according to age, residence, type of high school graduated but in terms of respondents' gender the significant difference does exist using the T-test uncorrelated or independent. Analysis of Variance on the extent of the instructional media development system as perceived by the student-respondents when they are categorized according to their ethnicity, province and college/university presently enrolled found out to have significant differences while in terms of occupation of the respondents' parents, the significant difference does not exist among the variables tested in the study.


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How to Cite

M. A. K. Abdul, “Role of Instructional Media Development System: It’s Impact on the Academic Performance of the College Students of Selected Schools in ARMM Region and Basis for the Development of Instructional Media Center”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 56–65, Sep. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: