Clinicoanatomical Study of Katiktarun Marma


  • Satendra Kumar Dubey Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Mahaveer College of Ayurvedic Science Sundra, Rajnandgaon, India


Katiktarun Marma


The human anatomy (shareera rachana) is an important for allied health sciences. It is one of the fundamental subject to the health science. The study of human being includes Physiological, Anatomical and Pathological Entities. Ancient seers of Ayurveda have classified the elements of the body under three fundamental components- Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. These three entities are responsible for the maintenance of structural and functional integrity of the body among these basic elements Dhatu are especially meant for Dharana & Poshana of Shareera. The equilibrium state of these Dhatu results in Arogya, where as any imbalance in It produces Vikara. The seven dhatu described in Ayurvedic text, in this sequence Asthi Dhatu is the fifth Dhatu which is meant for Dharan karma this is physiological function but when the asthi dhatu is vitiated due to trauma or any other injuries it produces disease leading to deformity or death. In surgical point of view. Asthi is also considered as a type of Marma. Marma are classified in to several groups named after their individual predominant structure. On the basis of predominant structures Acharya sushrut described eight Asthi Marma or bony spot such as katik tarun marma. Katik tarun Asthi Marma are the physio-anatomical vital areas in the human body. Injury to these vital areas leads to vata vyadhi associated with rakta dosha and triguna. So, we can say without the knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, the physician cannot become perfect in the profession. So, the ancient Acharyas like Sushruta, Charaka and Vagbhata were given importance to the knowledge of Asthi dhatu and Asthi Marma on refrence of katik tarun marma.


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How to Cite

S. K. Dubey, “Clinicoanatomical Study of Katiktarun Marma”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 4–6, Sep. 2022, Accessed: Jan. 21, 2025. [Online]. Available: