Kidney Function Test Prevalence for Pesticide Handlers and Non-Pesticide Handlers


  • K. K. Dhanushka III B.Sc., Dr. NGP Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, India
  • M. Thiruselvi Dr. NGP Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, India


Kidney function test, Pesticide handlers


Kidney is major to excrete the waste product. Excreting is a major process that must to be done to avoid the accumulations, because accumulation of waste product will lead to the formations of certain disease. Accumulations, because accumulation of waste product will lead to the formations of certain disease. The mechanism of stone formation is a complex process which results from several physicochemical events including super saturation, constituents within tubular cells. These steps are modulated by an imbalance between factors that promote or inhibit urinary crystallization. It is also noted that cellular injury promotes retention of particles on renal papillary surfaces. The exposure of renal epithelial cells to oxalate causes a signaling cascade which leads to apoptosis by p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways. Kidney disease is also happened due to exposure of certain pesticides. Some pesticides were able to cause diseases like Diabetes mellitus, obesity, cancers, End stage renal disease. Organophosphates is used as insecticide in world, it accounts for more than 40% of pesticide market, it inhibits cholinsterase value in Livers. With this HbA1C level also increased in pesticide handlers. 20 Samples were collect among them 10 are pesticide exposed person and another 10 are non-pesticide exposed person and the level of serum urea and creatinine levels are checked.


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How to Cite

K. K. Dhanushka and M. Thiruselvi, “Kidney Function Test Prevalence for Pesticide Handlers and Non-Pesticide Handlers”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 128–133, Aug. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 06, 2025. [Online]. Available: