Gender Differences Between in Test Anxiety Cognitive Style and Mental Health


  • P. Rekha Lecturer, DIET, Chennai, India
  • K. Saraladevi Associate Professor (Retd.) Meston College of Education, Chennai, India


cognitive style, mental health, test anxiety


Introduction: Cognitively, test anxiety comes along with specific worry thoughts including negative cognitive self-statements regarding academic failure. Additionally, test anxious individuals might experience social worry thoughts as they fear to be negatively judged by teachers, parents, and others (Lowe et al., 2008). Test anxiety is a combination of physical symptoms and emotional reactions that interfere with your ability to perform well on tests. Many students experience varying levels of test anxiety for a number of difference reasons. Need of the Study: One's cognitive style generally operates in an unconscious manner, that is, while an individual may be aware of the outcome of the information processing process, he or she is often unaware of the mental processes used to acquire, analyze, categorize, store, and retrieve information in making decisions and solving problems. Samples: 757 samples were taken from government aided, private schools among higher secondary students. Statement of the Problem: The researcher has identified the problem statements as “Gender Differences in Test Anxiety Cognitive Style and Mental Health”. Tools: Research tools taken my study Test Anxiety, Cognitive Style and Mental Health.


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How to Cite

P. Rekha and K. Saraladevi, “Gender Differences Between in Test Anxiety Cognitive Style and Mental Health”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 120–123, Aug. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: