Behavior and Design of Plus (+) Shape of Diagrid Structure


  • Swagat Dattatraya Aher P.G. Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil Schol of Engineering & Technology, Pune, India
  • Vishwajeet Kadlag Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil Schol of Engineering & Technology, Pune, India
  • Nagesh Shelke Head of the Department/Vice-Principal, Dr. D. Y. Patil Schol of Engineering & Technology, Pune, India


Diagrid structure, ETABS, Spectrum analysis, Seismic analysis, Wind load analysis


Rapid population expansion and high land costs have a significant influence on the construction sector, which leads to an upward trend in building construction. However, when building heights rise, lateral load resisting systems become more critical than gravity load resisting structural systems. Some common systems for resisting lateral loads include rigid frame, shear wall, wall-frame, braced tube system, outrigger system, and tubular system. Because of the structural efficiency and aesthetic possibilities given by the system's distinctive geometric design, the diagonal grid structural system has recently become popular for tall structures. Because of the layout and efficiency of a diagrid system, the number of structural elements required on the outside side of buildings is reduced, resulting in fewer blockages to the outside view. The structural efficiency of the diagrid system also aids in the avoidance of interior and corner columns, allowing for great floor plan flexibility. The "Diagonal Grid System," also known as the "Diagrid method," is the most recent high-rise building system that has gained popularity among today's designers. The Diagrid system is made up of multiple diagonal components that join to produce a triangulated or grid-shaped design. The name "diagrid" is derived from the phrase’s "diagonal" and "grid." A diagrid structure is a sort of structural system that consists of diagonal grids connected by horizontal rings to provide a beautiful and redundant structure that is particularly useful for high-rise structures. Due to its triangulated configuration, diagrid structures differ from braced frame systems in that diagonal as key structural components contribute in supporting gravity load as well as lateral load, obviating the requirement for vertical columns. A diagrid system's column-free structure has various advantages, including great architectural freedom, elegance, and huge day illumination due to its small outside surface.


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How to Cite

S. D. Aher, V. Kadlag, and N. Shelke, “Behavior and Design of Plus (+) Shape of Diagrid Structure”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 63–68, Jun. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: