Market Survey of Fortified Candies in Prayagraj District (U.P.)


  • Syeda Anam Abidi M.Sc. in Food Technology, Warner College of Dairy Technology, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Science, Prayagraj, India
  • Shanta Peter Assistant Professor, Warner College of Dairy Technology, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Science, Prayagraj, India


consumer behaviours, fortification, fortified candies, innovation, market research


In recent years, Customer attitudes and behaviors have moved towards health foods because they have more concerns on increasing environmental stresses such as pollution and toxic substances in the environment. In recent years, the consumer food habit has been focused on processed food rich in nutritional and functional properties. The consumer's trend has shifted to foods with more natural and dietary fibers, natural colorants, minerals, vitamins, low calories, low cholesterol, and low fat and free of synthetic additives. For this reason, this study aimed to deeply study shopper behaviour with respect to fortified candies. A form survey on a convenience sample of two hundred respondents was conducted by choosing the Prayagraj districts of Uttar Pradesh. The form consists of shopper demographics Variables, psychological feature factors in shopping for product, shopper shopping for preferences and patterns, factors influencing to choose associate degree organized or unorganized sector and so the impact of family and peer teams on shopper behaviour with respect to fortified candies. The most significant factors influencing buying decisions were accessibility, quality, regular supply, super market and the mode of payment. In this study we can observe the behavior of consumers buying a candy. The satisfaction level of candies got a fine response. These results may vary in other regions. The popularity and use of candies though is less, yet it is remarkable as it is still making lots of profits. The demand for candies is projected to grow.


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How to Cite

S. A. Abidi and S. Peter, “Market Survey of Fortified Candies in Prayagraj District (U.P.)”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 96–102, May 2022, Accessed: Feb. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: