BIM Concept in Sustainability Analysis


  • Ruchak Shah Student, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada


BIM (Building Information Modeling), Building performance analysis, Sustainable analysis, LEED, Green building rating


With an increasing price of energy and rising environmental problems, the requirements for sustainable building facilities with least environmental effect is also growing. In early conceptual design and preconstruction stages, the most compelling decisions in respect of sustainability in a building facility are made. In this context, Building Information Modeling (BIM) can help in performing complicated structure execution investigations to guarantee an optimized sustainable building plan (Salman Azhar & Farooqui, 2009). In this technical paper, the comprehensive literature investigation, with the help of last several years related papers, is adopted for reviewing and analyzing how to utilize BIM concept in sustainability analysis. This paper includes the sustainability analysis based on BIM; A case study; A BIM-based Sustainability Analysis Conceptual Framework; Advantages of the BIM-based sustainability practice implementation in construction projects and in the last conclusion. Particularly in a case study, EcotectTM, Green Building StudioTM (GBS), and Virtual EnvironmentTM are three building performance analysis software that have been evaluated for their suitability for BIM-based sustainability analysis.


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How to Cite

R. Shah, “BIM Concept in Sustainability Analysis”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 38–43, Feb. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: