Vocabulary Development Worksheets for Grade Five Second Language Learners at Mohon Elementary School


  • Maria Concha M. Tenorio Teacher III, Department of Education, Batangas, Philippines


Pupils, Reading, Vocabulary


This study aimed to discover the pupils’ vocabulary ability to further improve the techniques to be used. The respondents involved in the study were 30 pupils from Mohon Elementary School. Three tests were objectively made - namely 1) vocabulary level, 2) common difficulties encountered, 3) proposed supplementary materials. Data were tallied and interpreted using Mean. Table 1 disclosed that the mean of pupils’ word vocabulary ability is 19.01 for grade five pupils interpreted as closely approximating mastery which apparently means that the pupils’ ability for word vocabulary is low. Therefore, it was revealed that the vocabulary level of our grade five pupils are low and needs to be augmented. The researcher recommended that an intensive reading program should be strictly implemented along efficient program for vocabulary development utilizing the proposed supplementary vocabulary worksheets.


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How to Cite

M. C. M. Tenorio, “Vocabulary Development Worksheets for Grade Five Second Language Learners at Mohon Elementary School”, IJRESM, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 197–200, Aug. 2020, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journal.ijresm.com/index.php/ijresm/article/view/160