Design of an PIR (Passive Infrared) Based Sensor System in Tape Plant Extrusion Godet to Prevent Human Hand from Injuries During Machine Operations in FIBC, Manufacturing Plant at Flexituff Ventures International Limited (SEZ)


  • Priyaal Kuchankar Student, Department of Mechatronics, Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore, India
  • Bhavik Jain Student, Department of Mechatronics, Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore, India
  • M. D. Akhilraj Senior Industrial Safety Officer, Department of HSE, Flexituff Ventures International Ltd., Pithampur, India
  • Rahul Vyas Manager, Department of Systems and Training, Flexituff Ventures International Ltd., Pithampur, India


Safety, Injuries, Tape extruder, Godet, Polymer, Solidification, Cooling, Stretching, Microcontroller, ATmega328P, PIR motion sensor, Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) relay


Occupational safety always plays a daring part in today industrial world as it generates lots of physical & psychological effects on workers and operators who are regularly exposed to industrial machines. Workers who operate and maintain machinery suffer amputations, fatalities and minor injuries. These machine-related injuries have excellent potential for eradication. Industrial machines are a major source of occupational incident and resulting to injuries. In this research part injuries related to tape extruder godet is monitored along with the study on its control measures in order to increase the protection as well as create safe working environment for the machine operators.


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How to Cite

P. Kuchankar, B. Jain, M. D. Akhilraj, and R. Vyas, “Design of an PIR (Passive Infrared) Based Sensor System in Tape Plant Extrusion Godet to Prevent Human Hand from Injuries During Machine Operations in FIBC, Manufacturing Plant at Flexituff Ventures International Limited (SEZ)”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 161–164, Sep. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 13, 2025. [Online]. Available: