The Benefits of Organic Fertilizer in Soybean Farming


  • Abdugafar S. Umban Assistant Professor IV, College of Agriculture, Mindanao State University Sulu, Patikul Sulu, Philippines


cultivation and weeding, depth of planting, fertilization, germination, growth of plants, harvesting, drying and storing, land preparation, methods of planting, occurrence of flowers, pests and diseases and their control, preparation of planting materials, rainfall and weather condition, reaction of plants to the application of fertilization, seed inoculation, seed treatment, time of planting


The effect of organo-mineral fertilizer compost as a partial alternative to mineral fertilizers, on soil characteristics, growth, physio-biochemical attributes, Cd2 and No2 concentration and yields of GLYCINE MAX, plant under low soil fertility. Different organic mineral materials were mixed with water composted in a concrete trench of size 4x5x2 meter (W x L x D), respectively. The moisture content was maintained at 50-60 percent throughout the active composting period by frequent checking. The mixture was turned at 7-day intervals for about 2 months to maintain porosity. The organic mineral compost was applied – for acidic soil at the minimum requirement of half sack of compost. In addition, this was only applied as a control to achieve the purpose of this study. Growth characteristics, quantitative and qualitative yield, Cadmium (Cd2) and (No2) concentration and physiochemical attributes in common leguminous crop like Soybean (Glycine Max). Addition of MF compost improved the soil chemical and physical properties. Application of compost fertilizer at the rate of one half (½) sack as an alternative to 50 percent of the recommended dose mineral fertilizers, significantly decreased the concentration of Cd2 and No3 in plant leaves, pods and seeds, showing the same characteristics. This treatment also improved all determined physio-biochemical attributes and tested soil characteristics compared to control. The benefit of this compost fertilizer, as a partial alternative to chemical fertilizer, demonstrated the validity and possibility of sustainable agronomic performance of common leguminous crops using locally available recycled organic materials. The result of the study shows that the growth development of Soybeans is effected by organic fertilizer (compost) by using ring method, have good growth appearance, performance and an increase in size and other parts of the plant. However, due to some unforeseen things, some at the matured plants appeared to be yellowish and late blooming. The Treatment I, show that the plants to which compost fertilizer was applied from the first to third measurement plant grew better. While Treatment II, the leaves appeared yellowish in color due to some circumstances and may be inappropriate of fertilizer application.


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How to Cite

A. S. Umban, “The Benefits of Organic Fertilizer in Soybean Farming”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 210–215, Aug. 2021, Accessed: Jan. 17, 2025. [Online]. Available: