TEA Governance Practices of Public School Heads in Schools Divison of Lucena City: Basis for Intervention Scheme


  • Joepi F. Falqueza Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Department of Education, Philippines
  • Jumar M. Sadsad Planning Officer III, Department of Education, Philippines
  • Rey Mark R. Queaño Public Schools District Supervisor, Department of Education, Philippines


transparent, ethical, accountable, governance


This study aimed to determine the TEA governance level of practice of the School Heads in the public schools of Lucena City including the factors and difficulties experienced by the School Heads in the practice of TEA Governance. A mixed method research design (QUAN-qual) was used in this basic research involving fifty-seven (57) school heads and two hundred eighty-five (285) teachers. Survey-questionnaire which dealt quantitatively was employed. Interview was done to qualitatively determine the TEA governance best practices of the school heads. Based on the results of the study, both the school heads and the teacher-respondents agreed that majority of the principles of TEA governance were highly practiced in the school except for recognizing and scaling-up research-enabled best practices. Both the school heads and the teachers strongly agreed that awareness on DepEd orders, memoranda and policies helped weigh the consequences of their actions and make appropriate decisions as the major factor of practicing TEA Governance. On the other hand, Local School culture and practices done by the school personnel served as the main difficulty and hindrance to better implement TEA governance. The results of the research implied that School heads of Lucena City religiously practiced the principles of TEA Governance. But unfortunately some principles still need to be strengthened. The results also showed that school heads need to innovate in order to come up with best practices on TEA Governance implementation. This study showed a positive implementation of transparent, ethical and accountable governance in every school in the Division. This research also depicts the best practices of the school heads in the implementation of TEA Governance guided by the principles of SCOUTERS ROCK.


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How to Cite

J. F. Falqueza, J. M. Sadsad, and R. M. R. Queaño, “TEA Governance Practices of Public School Heads in Schools Divison of Lucena City: Basis for Intervention Scheme”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 105–109, Aug. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journal.ijresm.com/index.php/ijresm/article/view/1190