Monitoring Student Athlete’s Personal Wellness and Sports Engagement Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Elona Jane B. Laredo SSS-III, Department of Education, Governor Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School, Igualdad St. Lemery, Batangas, Philippines
  • Aprilito C. De Guzman Principal IV, Department of Education, Department of Education, Governor Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School, Igualdad St. Lemery, Batangas, Philippines
  • Nimfa P. Manalo Head Teacher VI, Department of Education, Department of Education, Governor Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School, Igualdad St. Lemery, Batangas, Philippines
  • Roderick M. Alvarez Master Teacher I, Department of Education, Department of Education, Governor Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School, Igualdad St. Lemery, Batangas, Philippines


athlete, monitoring, personal wellness, sports engagement, pandemic


This study described varsity players’ health and mental condition and their engagement to physical activities despite of the pandemic where classes are held through distance learning. This study was conducted for 2 months from the end of February to April 2021. The participants covered 208 public high school students in Governor Feliciano Memorial National High School, Lemery, Batangas. After the approval of the principal, the researcher delivered the letter of request and copies of the questionnaire to the students concerned via messenger and google forms. Then, the responses were collected, summarized and were given proper interpretations and analysis. The study found out that majority of the respondents belong to 14-15 years, male, in Grade 8 level, utilizing modular approach in distance learning, living in rural areas, having 10,000 and below monthly family income and whose parents serve as housewives or househusbands. The varsity players have valued and maintained their personal wellness even in the pandemic and agreed that they encountered difficulties in trainings nowadays. Meanwhile, there is no significant association between the barriers experienced and athlete’s wellness condition as well as between the barriers experienced and student athlete’s sports engagement. However, there is a significant difference on student athletes’ physical wellness and sports engagement when grouped according to their profile variables. An action plan was made and recommended for use to address the identified concerns.


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How to Cite

E. J. B. Laredo, A. C. D. Guzman, N. P. Manalo, and R. M. Alvarez, “Monitoring Student Athlete’s Personal Wellness and Sports Engagement Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 95–104, Aug. 2021, Accessed: Jan. 17, 2025. [Online]. Available: