District-School Standing: Basis for Supervisory and Technical Assistance Plan of the District Supervisors


  • Riza C. Gusano Supervising Education Program Specialist, Department of Education, Philippines
  • Luisito Cantos District Supervisor, Department of Education, Philippines
  • Homer N. Mendoza Schools Division Superintendent, Department of Education, Philippines


Supervisory plan, Technical assistance, District standing, Performance


This study aimed to develop a supervisory and technical assistance plan of the district supervisor in Sta. Teresita District, Division of Batangas with a purpose to upgrade the competencies of all school heads and teachers in the district. It specifically looked into the evaluation of the performance and standing of the district-school for the past three years, determining the extent on how the respondents improved their skills in delivering services in connection to; pupils development, Staff development, Physical development, School-community relationship and determines what intervention plan that may be applied by the district supervisor in providing technical support to school personnel in the district to achieve the desired performance. Descriptive method of research was used in this study utilizing a researcher-made questionnaire. One hundred sixty-eight (168) district personnel of Sta. Teresita were the respondents of the study. It is believed that among the problems encountered in every school particularly the performance and standing thus, it is the interest of this study to determine how to solve the particular issues and concerns and apply the necessary plan for the development of all learners. The study revealed that there is a good manifestation in line to the performance indicators, but learners’ performance/standing in academic competition and participation to co-curricular activities are low. There was a minimal issues on learners with special needs. On the other hand, schools have programs and projects to reduce the drop-outs. There is a high evident in the implementation of plan for the areas that need strengthen the interest and behavior of the learners. The researcher recommended a proposed intervention plan to school heads as technical support in school administration.


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How to Cite

R. C. Gusano, L. Cantos, and H. N. Mendoza, “District-School Standing: Basis for Supervisory and Technical Assistance Plan of the District Supervisors”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 438–441, Aug. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journal.ijresm.com/index.php/ijresm/article/view/1134