Analysis and Design of Sand Filter by using Capped Coconut Shell and Coal


  • Amey Ramesh Shinde UG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, YSPM's YTC College of Engineering, Satara, India
  • Deepa Yashwant Gosavi UG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, YSPM's YTC College of Engineering, Satara, India
  • Shivani Padmakar Jadhav UG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, YSPM's YTC College of Engineering, Satara, India
  • Sudarshan Sanjay Chougule UG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, YSPM's YTC College of Engineering, Satara, India
  • Dnyaneshwari Prashant Kamane UG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, YSPM's YTC College of Engineering, Satara, India
  • Alfaj N. Shaikh Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, YSPM's YTC College of Engineering, Satara, India


Sand filter, Coconut shell, Coal, Turbidity, pH, TDS


A study was done to determine about sand filter these filters are commonly used in conventional water treatment plants. Problems like mud ball formation and unsatisfactory effluents are affecting sand filter beds. It has been found out that dual media and multimedia filters can overcome the limitations of sand filter. Capping materials such as crushed coconut shell and coal is used as a dual media. Design dual media filters capped with crushed coconut shell proves to be more efficient, economical and durable. Three models having capacity of 10 liter are practiced. All these models consist layers of gravel, sand and capping material of thickness 7cm each. Crushed coconut shell and coal are used as capping material in different models respectively. The water sample was collected from nearby river. The tests which are conducted on sample are pH, Temperature, Total Dissolved Solids, Alkalinity, and Turbidity. The efficiency is based on test results.


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How to Cite

A. R. Shinde, D. Y. Gosavi, S. P. Jadhav, S. S. Chougule, D. P. Kamane, and A. N. Shaikh, “Analysis and Design of Sand Filter by using Capped Coconut Shell and Coal”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 364–366, Aug. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: