Gesture Controlled Robotic Hand Using RF Unit and Accelerometer
Arduino based, Gesture controlled, Robotic-hand, Tele-operatedAbstract
In the race of man v/s machine, automation comes as a companion of man and machine. Taking the technology to the next level from the mobile driven world to an automation driven world, will increase manufacturers their production rates, productivity and efficiency with materials, product quality, and worker safety. From ancient times the ingenuity and the brain power human beings have astonished researchers with engineering and mechanical marvels like the wheel, bow and arrow, cross bows, etc. What started from the wheel did not end there but evolved into the complex mechatronics systems that we see around us today. The robotics is one such human marvel that will be one-day equal human beings themselves. The robots thus have far more use in the daily life than any other systems. The robotics and automation is a rising piece of technology which could lessen the loads of work and solve the problems exponentially. As robotics is finding its place on every sector in this globe, the aim this project is to introduce robotics in the field of industry. The title of the system is ‘Gesture controlled robotic arm’. The aim of the system is to provide safety and to increase productivity in our industries. The research project should be designed in such a way that it should occupy minimum space, should possess high maneuverability and high agility. The project in discussion is types of robots which needs minimum space and are proved to be highly maneuverable and highly agile. The robot contains two main units, one is the robotic arm and second is the data glove with accelerometer using a RF controller. The robotic arm unit is responsible for the hand functions of the whole structure of the robot. The data glove is responsible for the input feedback to the robotic arm. The robotic unit will be controlled by an Arduino platform to improve its stability. The angle tilt will be measured using ADXL335 sensor. The ADXL335 uses angle, tilt and yaw values with Arduino for data transfer. Through advanced primary and secondary research techniques, system implementation hurdles and potential risks involved in developing such a system are identified. The project is fully planned using advanced project management techniques like PERT chart and Gantt chart in order to identify the critical activities and the timeline related with it.
Copyright (c) 2020 Ashwin K. Shaji, Rinku Dhiman
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.